How to Find the Best SEC Whistleblower Lawyer

If you’ve discovered securities fraud taking place and are thinking about blowing the whistle and contacting the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), you’re probably wondering how to go about finding the best SEC whistleblower lawyer.

Becoming a whistleblower is an intimidating proposition, so you’re going to want experienced legal counsel to help you manage the legal process and get the best results. In the section below, we’ve detailed some of the key points to look for when in search of a top-quality whistleblower law firm.

Direct Knowledge of Whistleblower Law

Whistleblower law is complicated. It has a number of nuances that directly depend on any number of conditions. You’re going to want to work with an attorney who has in-depth knowledge of the relevant laws involved, including the Dodd-Frank Act, Sarbanes-Oxley Act, and the Securities and Exchange Act.

At Meissner Associates, we have exactly this sort of knowledge. Stuart Meissner, our founder, helped write and develop the rules used by the SEC to reward and protect whistleblowers. Even before Dodd-Frank took effect, our firm was helping whistleblowers expose corruption—since 2001, in fact.

A History of Success

A lawyer can sound incredibly knowledgeable and well-read on SEC whistleblower law but still have no practical experience. When you’re about to call out a large corporation or investment bank for securities fraud, you don’t want a novice handling your case.

Instead, you want a whistleblower law firm that has a history of getting results. Meissner Associates helped a Monsanto whistleblower claim the second-largest whistleblower reward yet paid by the SEC. In fact, the Monsanto reward is the largest paid to a US citizen so far.

We can give you an honest assessment of the strength of your tip because we have the past experience to successfully gauge whether the SEC will be interested. We know how to protect our clients and submit their tip in the most compelling way possible.

Personal Attention

Whistleblowing is nerve-wracking. You want an attorney on your side who will be personally available to you throughout the process and the investigation. Nothing is worse than a tense legal situation with a lawyer who won’t return your calls or address your concerns.

Meissner Associates knows this. We make it a point to give our whistleblower clients all of the personal attention they need—from tip evaluation and SEC submission all the way to the close of the investigation.

Top-Caliber Legal Counsel for SEC Whistleblowers

If you’re thinking about blowing the whistle on securities fraud, you’re going to need a good lawyer with experience on your side. Contact Meissner Associates today to discover how we can help you claim a whistleblower reward and protect your rights.

Set up a free, confidential tip evaluation by completing the form below or by calling us at 1-866-764-3100.