Find a Top SEC Whistleblower Law Firm
If you’re ready to become a whistleblower, you probably want to know how to find a top SEC whistleblower law firm that can represent you and protect the information you’re prepared to disclose.
But how will you know what makes a “top” whistleblower firm, and what can you expect from your attorney in the whistleblowing process? Read on to learn more about how Meissner Associates can meet your needs.
Protect Your Identity
A law firm specializing in securities fraud violations and whistleblowing should be prepared to protect the anonymity of whistleblower clients. That’s why we make protecting your identity a top priority. We can shield your identity from the SEC; without a qualified lawyer’s help, you won’t be able to submit an anonymous tip and collect a reward, according to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
Throughout the process, we can ensure your anonymity by submitting your tip for you and only allowing telephone interviews. We will keep your identity hidden at all costs.
Fight Back Against Retaliation
When you’re looking for a top SEC whistleblower attorney, finding one that has experience handling the retaliation whistleblowers often endure should be crucial. Although the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 made it illegal for employers to retaliate against employees who come to the SEC with information regarding securities violations, that doesn’t always stop them from doing so.
With Meissner Associates, you can rest assured that, if you’ve been retaliated against by your employer in the form of a demotion, suspension, termination, defamation of your professional reputation, or a harassing work environment, we will stop at nothing to hold the violator accountable for this egregious behavior.
We can file a complaint with the Department of Labor and, if we are successful, your employer will be required to pay you retroactively from the date of your firing, reinstate you in your former position and rate of pay, and compensate you for special damages like the damage to your reputation.
Call a Top SEC Whistleblower Lawyer
If you are going to become a whistleblower, you’ll want to find a competent, experienced, and professional SEC whistleblower law firm. Look no further than the experienced attorneys at Meissner Associates.
Our whistleblowers have not only been able to remain anonymous and free from retaliation, but they’ve also been awarded some of the largest whistleblower rewards in history. To schedule a free consultation with an SEC whistleblower lawyer today, call 1-866-764-3100 or fill out the contact form below.