About Meissner Associates SEC Whistleblower Lawyers
At Meissner Associates, we are an SEC Whistleblower Lawyer law firm with extensive experience representing whistleblower clients for decades within and without the financial industry and have recovered millions on behalf of whistleblowers throughout the United States and the world. The Meissner firm was one of the very first firms to file whistleblower claims with the SEC under the Dodd-Frank whistleblower provisions and participated in the crafting of the SEC rules so as to favor whistleblowers and to protect their confidentiality. As a former dedicated financial crimes prosecutor, both with the Attorney General’s Office where he prosecuted securities frauds and the New York County District Attorney’s Office, Mr. Meissner personally assists the SEC Enforcement Division and his clients in pursuing client submissions, so as to recover the maximum award possible under the Dodd-Frank statute. Unlike other firms who may be conflicted by having worked at the SEC, the Meissner firm is known for its independence and aggressive pursuit of all client claims with the SEC, or if need be with other regulatory bodies which also award whistleblower bounties, or the press if appropriate, if the SEC does not properly address the claims presented and after careful review.
The firm also represents individuals, professionals, businesses, retirees, institutional investors, corporate clients, charities, and securities employees in matters that require an experienced attorney who is highly familiar with securities law, employment law, and criminal law, along with a variety of business and investment disputes. As a result of his lengthy experience as a criminal prosecutor, the firm handles a variety of legal matters, including claims arising from defamatory actions of brokerage firms, improper U5 filings, FINRA issues, stock broker fraud, broker negligence, investor fraud, and a variety of employment disputes within the securities industry including compensation, bonus disputes, contract negotiation, regulatory defense, Qui Tam claims, Wells Notice responses, subpoena issues, OTR representation before FINRA and the SEC, Martin Act issues, and FINRA arbitration. Securities employees interested in any type of representation which may involve FINRA should also review our entirely FINRA devoted web site: http://www.FINRAAttorney.Net.
In his capacity as a tenacious litigator, Mr. Meissner with decades of legal experience, draws from his years of litigation experience accrued at the NYS Attorney General’s Office, the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office and private practice to assist his clients who have lauded his work on their behalf over the years.
As reported way back in 2010 by Dow Jones Newswire, Forbes.com, Fortune Magazine, the Washington Post, and the New York Post, before almost all of the current firm’s who promote themselves as SEC Whistleblower Lawyer law firms, The Meissner firm is known to be the first firm to have filed several Whistleblower claims in just the few weeks since the law has been passed and wrote the first major article published in Forbes Magazine upon the passage of the new law and long before there was even an SEC Whistleblower Office, let alone an SEC Whistleblower Chief.
Stuart D. Meissner Esq. the Managing Member of the firm is an experienced counsel who has previously successfully represented numerous senior employees in the securities industry in claims involving their employers, including whistleblower claims under existing statutes, as well as having represented numerous investors in FINRA arbitrations against major Wall Street investment banks. In just the first two weeks after the new law was passed the Meissner firm filed four significant whistle blower claims with the SEC, of which, one has been the subject of an investigation by the United States Attorney’s Office and the FBI, and another is the subject of a FINRA Enforcement investigation which body refers matters to the SEC. The Meissner firm’s credibility with regulators and known screening process for all matters it accepts assists in providing the credibility and the assistance needed for regulatory agencies to move ahead with investigations, so that recoveries may be had.
Besides being one of the first law firms to publish articles on the new law (see Forbes.com) and filing the first complaints under the new law, the Meissner firm has been front and center in cooperating and assisting the SEC in their drafting of rules needed to assist in the implementation of the new law. As a result of his efforts the Meissner firm is referred to within the SEC Whistleblower Rules published by the SEC. Prior to the publishing of the rules the SEC published Mr. Meissner’s August 17, 2010 comments on its own web site. Mr. Meissner met with various SEC Commissioners themselves in lobbying on behalf of whistleblowers in the crafting of the Rules implementing the Dodd-Frank Banking Reform Law including the Senior Advisor to SEC Chairman Mary Schapiro, Stephen L. Cohen.