Pennsylvania Whistleblower Lawyer
Individuals who have recently become aware of securities violations could win significant rewards when they reach out to an experienced Pennsylvania whistleblower lawyer and tip off the SEC.
The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Whistleblower Program was designed to encourage those who have information about investment fraud and other schemes to come forward and win awards for taking the risk of becoming a whistleblower. However, these risks are significant, and having a highly trained whistleblower lawyer in Pennsylvania by your side can only benefit your case.
The attorneys at Meissner Associates are fully prepared to help you become an award-winning whistleblower. Our firm will assist you with reporting your tip to the SEC and protecting your identity, where applicable, so you don’t have to worry about employer retaliation when you do the right thing by letting the SEC know about possible violations.
The Risks of Blowing the Whistle
Many would-be whistleblowers who know about or suspect fraudulent activity and investment schemes are often too afraid of what will happen when their employers become aware that they blew the whistle.
Despite the fact that it is illegal for corporations to retaliate against employees for blowing the whistle, it happens quite regularly. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to protect yourself from being demoted, fired, harassed, or otherwise retaliated against.
To start, when you work with an attorney to report your tip, the SEC allows you to do so anonymously. Your lawyer will act as a liaison between you and the SEC. The SEC will not know who you are until it’s time to issue your reward, at which point the SEC will need to learn of your identity.
In the event that your employer does suspect you of whistleblowing, and subsequently retaliates against you, you’ll be able to take legal action against them. What’s more, the SEC will be notified and impose sanctions of their own on top of the penalties your employer already faces for engaging in securities fraud.
Criteria to Win a Whistleblower Award
When the risks of whistleblowing are so high, you might be thinking why anyone would put themselves on the line to tip off the SEC. Unfortunately, without whistleblowers, the economy and financial markets would be in jeopardy due to the sheer number of securities fraud that occur across the country.
For this reason, the SEC implemented the whistleblower program to encourage you to come forward when you learn of these scams. If the information you are able to provide to the SEC is original and given voluntarily, you can open up the possibility of winning a whistleblower award.
The SEC will need to be able to take enforceable action against the violator in question, and the sanctions they recover will need to exceed $1 million for you to be eligible for a reward. Depending on how valuable your tip was to the success of the SEC’s investigation, you could be entitled to 10 to 30 percent of the amount the SEC is able to recover.
Schedule Your Confidential Tip Evaluation Today
When you’re ready to tip off the SEC and claim your life-changing reward, get in touch with a qualified SEC whistleblower lawyer at Meissner Associates. We provide those willing to blow the whistle on securities fraud with a free consultation where we can further discuss the details of your case.
You can schedule your confidential tip evaluation today by calling our office directly at 1-866-764-3100 or by filling out the secured contact form we’ve provided at the bottom of this page.