What Is the Motor Vehicle Safety Whistleblower Act?
If you are an industry insider who has come into information surrounding safety issues in motor vehicles, you may qualify for an award under the Motor Vehicle Safety Whistleblower Act (MVSWA).
Only specific individuals will meet the eligibility requirements, but an experienced attorney can assist you with reporting your findings to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration or the United States Department of Transportation. Below, we further describe what the MVSWA is, how it came to be, and the criteria for winning a whistleblower award.
The Rise of the MVSWA
There are many different ways that various types of fraud can be reported, but until 2015, there was no way to report safety issues in vehicles. The MVSWA encourages those who work in the automotive industry, including manufacturers, dealerships, and suppliers, to report these issues.
In return for taking such a risk and bringing the fraudulent activities to light, the whistleblower could then win an award of anywhere between 10 and 30 percent of the sanctions the government is able to recover.
Winning a MVSWA Award
To be eligible for a whistleblower award, there are numerous criteria that need to be met. To start, the information provided needs to be original and provided voluntarily. Only whistleblowers who work in the industry will qualify and must first report their tip to the company’s internal compliance program if one exists.
However, if the employee has reason to believe they will be retaliated against, the employee is not required to do so. You can learn more about qualifying for a MVSWA award when you speak with your attorney.
Contact a Motor Vehicle Safety Whistleblower Attorney
When you have information regarding safety issues of a vehicle and are unsure of your next steps, reach out to a highly trained motor vehicle safety whistleblower lawyer at Meissner Associates. You can schedule your confidential tip assessment by calling our office directly at 1-866-764-3100 or by submitting the brief contact form we have included at the bottom of this page.