Investment Fraud Whistleblower Lawyer

Investment fraud is rampant within the securities industry, putting thousands of investors at risk. If you know of fraud taking place, you can put a stop to it by working with an investment fraud whistleblower lawyer.

The primary mission of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is regulating the securities industry so that it remains safe and stable for investors. Investigating and sanctioning investment fraud is one of the primary methods they use to achieve this end.

However, the securities industry is massive, and the SEC can only investigate so much on their own. This means that a great deal of investment fraud would go under their radar if it weren’t for the help provided by whistleblowers—who stand to be generously rewarded.

By working with an investment fraud whistleblower lawyer from Meissner Associates, you can find out how strong your information is and how likely the SEC is to reward you.

How Do I Recognize Investment Fraud?

While investment fraud is often committed by investment advisors and investment banks, it’s by no means limited to these entities. The SEC is interested in information regarding any fraudulent activity that materially misleads or deceives investors.

This could be as simple as a company that withholds vital information, causing investors to believe the company is financially healthier than it really is. It might also be as complicated as a detailed pyramid scam that has multiple levels of unwitting investors that allow the scheme to continue.

These are just a few examples of securities fraud that an investment fraud whistleblower can help you expose to the SEC:

Whistleblower Rewards for Exposing Securities Fraud

Many potential whistleblowers worry about coming forward. The threat of retaliation or having their identity publicly revealed can hold them back. However, by working with an investment fraud whistleblower lawyer, you can enjoy several legal protections to their fullest extent.

By submitting your tip through legal counsel, you can remain anonymous. If the SEC investigates and imposes sanctions on the fraudster, they’ll eventually need to know who you are so that you can be rewarded. However, it’s rare for a whistleblower to be publicly identified if he or she chooses not to be.

The reward you receive will depend on how useful your information and assistance were in the SEC’s investment fraud investigation. If they collect more than $1,000,000 in sanctions, between 10 and 30 percent of the money will go to you.

Become an Investment Fraud Whistleblower

Meissner Associates helped a whistleblower recover the largest reward yet issued to a US citizen by the SEC. We have in-depth knowledge of Dodd-Frank’s whistleblower regulations because our founder helped write them, and we’ll put the full scope of that knowledge to use on your behalf.

Let a knowledgeable investment fraud whistleblower lawyer confidentially evaluate your tip for free. You’ll get honest advice based on firsthand experience. Just submit your information through the form below, or give us a call directly at 1-866-764-3100.